Duration: 2021-2023
Type of project: collective
Funding: National Science Research Fund

Principal Investigator: Prof. S. Koeva, Ph.D.
Participants: Prof. S. Koeva, Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Valchanova (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim), Prof. Tinko Tinchev (Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University), Assist. Prof. S. Leseva, Assist. Prof. T. Dimitrova, Assist. Prof. M. Todorova, Assist. Prof. Valentina Stefanova, I. Stoyanova, M. Yalamov, K. Belev, H. Kukova, V. Petrova.
The proposed theoretical research is aimed at devising a semantic description and a typology of verb predicates belonging to the basic conceptual apparatus. The semantic description will be based on the elaboration of a system of abstract conceptual frames representing the semantic structure of verbs belonging to the basic vocabulary (including the vocabulary of children of a certain age group) and the integration of conceptual frames into the structure of the semantic network Wordnet.
The fundamental objective of the proposed research is to achieve an abstract representation of the range of conceptual frames which describe the set of semantic relations between verb predicates and noun classes realised as (mandatory or optional) components of predicate structures.
Our hypothesis states that as far as conceptualisation reflects the world around us and allows cross-language communication, such abstract and (to a large extent) language independent description is possible.
In order to achieve our goal, we define the following objectives:
- Development of a system of conceptual frames representing the semantic structure of verbs from the basic vocabulary (including the vocabulary of children of a certain age group).
- Detailed ontological presentation of the semantic classes of nouns in WordNet, participating in the semantic structure of verbs from the basic vocabulary.
- Integrating the system of conceptual frames into the structure of the WordNet semantic network.
- Derivation of theoretical generalisations for the ontological description of the semantic classes of nouns, for the system of conceptual frames, as well as for the complex presentation of semantic information.
Prerequisite for achieving the main goal and specific objectives is the use of automatic procedures for analysis of large volumes of text with a view to the identification of verb predicates and their surroundings, as well as the implementation and use of an online system for creation, editing and visualisation of conceptual frames.
At the heart of this aspect of the study is the understanding that reliable theoretical conclusions can be drawn on the basis of quantitative and distributive analysis performed using modern language technologies.
In fulfilling the outlined objectives, another fundamental goal will be achieved: differentiation of the main similarities and differences in the models for conceptualisation, lexicalisation and grammaticalisation of different semantic classes of predicates in the modern Bulgarian language. This will highlight language-specific and language-independent semantic characteristics that have general theoretical significance (or are valid for a large group of languages).
The project activities are organised in working packages.
The plan for realisation and dissemination of the results is oriented towards providing wide public access to the acquired new knowledge under non-exclusive and non-discriminatory conditions: providing free online access, dissemination of the created semantic resources with CC-BY-SA license, wide popularisation through participation in national and international scientific forums, integration of teaching results, organisation of events aimed at the general public.
1. Providing online access to project results
A web page will be developed where up-to-date information about the project and its progress will be published. Through this page the project team will make available the scientific results of the project. Access to the project results will also be provided through the page of the Institute for Bulgarian Language. To increase their visibility, the project results (databases and publications describing them) will be published on the META-SHARE page on the website of the Institute for Bulgarian Language: or other similar platforms.
This will ensure wide access to the project results, including: a) the developed semantic resources with free access (license CC-BY-SA) – a collection of verb synonym sets that form a part of the basic vocabulary; an ontology of the semantic classes of nouns in Wordnet; a system of conceptual frames representing the semantic structure of verbs from the basic vocabulary; a database of verb synonym sets and their conceptual frames; a system of conceptual frames integrated into the Wordnet structure; b) software for creation, editing and visualisation of conceptual frames; (c) freely available publications and presentations of reports at scientific forums (in the form of multimedia presentations, video recordings, etc.).
2. Publications
The project envisages preparation and publication of minimum 6 papers in refereed and indexed journals, such as Lingvisticae Investigationes: International Journal of Linguistics and Language Resources, as well in the journals published by the Institute for Bulgarian Language – Balgarski ezik (Bulgarian Language) and Balkansko ezikoznanie (Balkan Linguistics) (indexed in SCOPUS), Proceedings of the Institute of Bulgarian Language “Prof. L. Andreychin” of which at least two are in editions with impact factor (Web of Science) and impact rank (SCOPUS); in peer-reviewed thematic collections of papers and in proceedings of prestigious international conferences in which members of the project team will participate.
Some of the publications will be submitted to free access journals. The most significant theoretical and experimental results will be published in a special collective monograph with studies which will be accepted after being reviewed. To ensure maximum visibility of the project results, the volume will be included in relevant databases of refereed and indexed publications (e.g. SCOPUS, Web of Science, ERIH, EBSCO Publishing), and/or will be distributed via portals for sharing scientific literature (ResearchGate, Academia, etc .).
3. Participation in scientific forums
The main direction for the future dissemination of the results is through participation with at least 6 scientific presentations in international scientific forums in the field of computational linguistics, semantic networks and ontologies, and publications in prestigious international editions. Project participants will submit papers to national and international scientific forums, such as: the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC’2022), the Conference on Semantics (SEMANTICS), the Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), the accompanying workshops, the Grammar Forum, organized by the Institute of Bulgarian Language, Sofia, 2021 and 2022, the International Annual Conference of the Institute of Bulgarian Language, Sofia, 2022 and 2023. It is envisaged to provide free access to the reports: multimedia presentations, videos and / or others.
4. Lectures to the scientific community, students and teachers
The results of the project and the analysis done will be represented to students who participate in Linguistics and Computational linguistics competitions and to integrated into the relevant courses in the Master’s programs in Computational Linguistics where some of the team members teach, or are traditionally invited as lecturers: the linguistic seminar of the PHD school at Sofia University; courses in Contemporary Syntactic Theories and Formal Description of Natural Languages in the Master’s Programme Computational Linguistics. Internet technologies in the Humanities.
5. Dissemination of the project results to the general public
As a practical application of future theoretical and applied research and the development and enrichment of the elaborated resources (Wordnet and Framenet) it is envisaged to create educational games for students of different ages and for the general public, in which to integrate the conceptual knowledge of predicates` compatibility and of semantic relations in a way that encourages the application of a research approach in solving the set language tasks.
The publication of the results in renowned refereed and indexed publications, the participation with scientific communications at scientific forums, the organisation of the Special Session on Wordnet and Ontologies, as well as scientific seminars will contribute for the dissemination of results, the development of scientific cooperation with Bulgarian and international teams and for the establishment, maintenance and development of international scientific networks (eg the European Network of Excellence META-NET, the European Federation of National Language Institutes, etc.), in accordance with indicators for the results of this proposal.
Task 2.1. A semantic resource: a collection of 5074 verb synsets, chosen according to a special methodology, including quantitative and qualitative criteria in order to verify their belonging to the basic vocabulary.
To download (pdf)
Task 2.1. A semantic resource: a subset of 269 verbs which were chosen to be tested for the degree of their understanding among children at the initial stage of learning.
To download (pdf)
Task 2.1. Language tasks which were part of language games to test the degree of verbs’ understanding among children at the initial stage of learning.
To tasks (online access)
Task 2.2. A semantic resource: a system of conceptual frames describing the semantic structure of verbs from the basic vocabulary. Upon acceptance, the system will be open for review by users.
Link to the system (online access)
Task 2.2. A semantic resource: Automatically assigned semantic frames from FrameNet to verbs from the basic vocabulary.
To download (pdf)
Task 2.3. A semantic resource: an ontology of the semantic classes of nouns mapped to noun synsets in WordNet that correspond to the types in the semantic structure of the verbs from the basic vocabulary.
To download (pdf)
Task 3.1. Technical specification of a system for creation, editing and visualisation of conceptual frames.
За изтегляне (pdf)
Task 3.2. A software system for creation, editing and visualisation of conceptual frames.
Link to the system (online access)
Task 3.3. An online system for creation, editing and visualisation of conceptual frames.
Link to the system (online access)
Task 4.1. Semantic resource: Dataset of WordNet synsets with assigned and manually validated FrameNet frames.
Task 4.1. Semantic resource: Dataset of WordNet synsets with combined information from FrameNet and VerbNet.
To download (zip) | Visualisation
Task 4.2. Semantic resource: System of conceptual frames, superframes and verb lexical units evoking them.
Task 4.3. Semantic resource: Refined system of conceptual frames integrated in WordNet structure.
Task 4.3. Corpus of annotated examples validating the assigned semantic frames and illustrating the syntactic and semantic realisation of frame elements.
Task 4.1. Digital semantic resource: Dataset of WordNet synsets with assigned and manually validated FrameNet frames
Task 4.1. Digital semantic resource: Dataset of WordNet synsets with assigned syntactic information (valence configurations and syntactic patterns) from WordNet, FrameNet and VerbNet
Task 4.2. Digital resource: Dataset of conceptual frames, superframes and verb lexemes that evoke them (compatible with the BulFrame system)
Task 4.3. Language resource: Corpus of annotated examples (in English and Bulgarian) for the analysis of the validity of the assigned FrameNet frames and the realisation of their frame elements
Publications in journals and conference proceedings
Edited volume
An edited volume has been published with the Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, comprising of a preface and six studies, four of which in Bulgarian and two in English. The volume is reviewed by assoc. prof. Atanas Atanasov (Sofia University) and assist. prof. Rositsa Dekova (Plovdiv University).
Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2024. (pdf)
Koeva, Svetla. (ed.) Semantic studies: syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs. Sofia. 2024. Prof. Marin Drinov Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. (pdf)
Коева, Св. Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. Предговор. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 7–13. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.01 (pdf)
Koeva, S. Extended ontology of noun semantic classes. – In: Koeva, S. (ed.). Semantic studies. Syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs. Sofia: BAS Press „Prof. Marin Drinov“, pp. 12–45. DOI: https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.02 (pdf)
Стефанова, В. Част на тялото като семантична характеристика. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 46–73. https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.03 (pdf)
Leseva, S., I. Stoyanova. Verbs of communication: validation of conceptual frames in corpus data. – In: Koeva, S. (ed.). Semantic studies. Syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs. Sofia: BAS Press „Prof. Marin Drinov“, pp. 74–116. https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.04 (pdf)
Димитрова, Цв. За природата на притежателите. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 117–133. https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.05 (pdf)
Тодорова, М. За семантичния клас глаголи за контакт чрез преместване. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 134–153. https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.06 (pdf)
Кукова, Х. Основни фреймове за перцепция и комплексно представяне на семантико-синтактична информация. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 154–178. https://doi.org/10.7546/SemanticStudies2024.07 (pdf)
Publications in journals and conference proceedings
Dimitrova, T. Verbs of transfer of possession in FrameNet. – In: Proceedings of the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024). Sofia: Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2024, pp. 310–316. DOI: (pdf) (предстои подаване за оценка и включване на сборника в WoS)
Koeva, S. Extended ontology of noun semantic classes. – In: Koeva, S. (Ed.) Semantic studies. Syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs. Sofia: BAS Press „Prof. Marin Drinov“, pp. 12 – 45. (pdf)
Koeva, S. Towards detailed semantic classes of nouns. – В: Коева, Св., Хр. Дейкова, М. Стаменов (съст.). Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2024 година). София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2024, с. 301–309. ISSN 2683-118Х (print). ISSN 2683-1198 (online). (pdf) (предстои подаване за оценка и включване на сборника в WoS)
Koeva, S., E. Doychev. System for processing and evaluating lexical-semantic resources. – Cybernetics and Information Technologies. (WoS, Scopus) (подадено за оценка)
Leseva, S., I. Stoyanova. Verbs of communication: Validation of semantic frames in corpus data. – In: Koeva, S. (ed.). Semantic studies. Syntactic and semantic description of Bulgarian verbs. Sofia: BAS Press „Prof. Marin Drinov“, pp. 74–116. (pdf)
Димитрова, Цв. За природата на притежателите. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 117–133. (pdf)
Коева Св. Принципи на семантичното описание в Българския фреймнет. – В: Сборник с доклади от Международната научна конференция „Българистични езиковедски четения“, 2024, София. (под печат)
Коева, Св. Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. Предговор. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 7–13. (pdf)
Кукова, Хр. Глаголи за емоция и някои фреймови реализации (върху материал от българския език). – В: Коева, Св., Хр. Дейкова, М. Стаменов (съст.). Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2024 година). София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2024, с. 335–344. ISSN 2683-118Х (print). ISSN 2683-1198 (online). (pdf) (предстои подаване за оценка и включване на сборника в WoS)
Кукова, Хр. Основни фреймове за перцепция и комплексно представяне на семантико-синтактична информация. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.) Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 154–178. (pdf)
Лесева, Св., Ив. Стоянова. Корпусни данни за анализ на синтактичната реализация на семантичните фреймове. – В: Коева, Св., Хр. Дейкова, М. Стаменов (съст.). Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2024 година). София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2024, с. 325–334. ISSN 2683-118Х (print). ISSN 2683-1198 (online). (pdf) (предстои подаване за оценка и включване на сборника в WoS)
Стефанова, В. Глаголи, свързани с част от тялото – семантични фреймове и селективни ограничения. – В: Коева, Св., Хр. Дейкова, М. Стаменов (съст.). Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2024 година). София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2024, с. 345–353. ISSN 2683-118Х (print). ISSN 2683-1198 (online). (pdf) (предстои подаване за оценка и включване на сборника в WoS)
Стефанова, В. Част на тялото като семантична характеристика. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.). Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 46–73. (pdf)
Стефанова, В., М. Тодорова, Цв. Димитрова. Резултати от изследване на глаголна семантика при деца чрез езикови задачи, проведени онлайн. – В: Педагогика, 2024. (WoS) (под печат)
Тодорова, М. За семантичния клас глаголи за контакт чрез преместване. – В: Коева, Св. (ред.) Семантични студии. Синтактично и семантично описание на български глаголи. София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, с. 134 – 153. (pdf)
Тодорова, М. Селективни особености на глаголи за контакт. – В: Коева, Св., Хр. Дейкова, М. Стаменов (съст.). Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2024 година). София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2024, с. 317–324. ISSN 2683-118Х (print). ISSN 2683-1198 (online). (pdf)
Koeva, S., D. Hristov. Resolving multiple hyperonymy. – In: Proceedings of the 12th Global Wordnet Conference, University of the Basque Country, Donostia – San Sebastian, Basque Country. Global Wordnet Association, pp. 343–351. (pdf) (Индексирано в: DBLP | ACL Antology)
Stoyanova, I., S. Leseva. Expanding the conceptual description of verbs in WordNet with semantic and syntactic information. – In: Proceedings of the 12th Global Wordnet Conference, University of the Basque Country, Donostia – San Sebastian, Basque Country. Global Wordnet Association, pp. 284–294. (pdf) (Индексирано в: DBLP | ACL Antology)
Todorova, M. Semantic annotation of common lexis verbs of contact in Bulgarian. – In: Bunt, H. (ed.). Proceedings of the 19th Joint ACL – ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-19), June 20, 2023 at IWCS 2023, Nancy, France, Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 11–17. (pdf)
Todorova, M. Semantic specifics of Bulgarian verbal computer terms. – In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Computational Terminology in NLP and Translation Studies (ConTeNTS) Incorporating the 16th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora (BUCC), pp. 45–50. (pdf)
Коева, Св. Семантични и концептуални фреймове: универсални свойства и специфични черти. – В: Сборник с доклади от Международната научна конференция „Единство и разделение в езиците. литературите и културите“, 2023, София. (под печат)
Коева, Св. Частите на речта като части на изречението, или дали винаги глаголите заемат отделна синтактична позиция. – В: Български език. Приложение, 70 (2023), 143–157. (pdf)
Кукова, Хр. Концептуални фреймове при някои глаголи за комуникация. – В: Сборник с доклади от Международната научна конференция „Единство и разделение в езиците, литературите и културите“, 2023. (под печат)
Стефанова, В., М. Тодорова, Цв. Димитрова. Анализ на резултатите от изследване на глаголната семантика при деца. – В: Сборник с доклади от Международната научна конференция „Единство и разделение в езиците, литературите и културите“, 2023. (под печат)
Koeva, S., E. Doychev. Ontology supported frame classification. – In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022), Institute for Bulgarian Language, 2022, pp. 203–213, ISSN:2367-5675. (pdf) (Scopus)
Koeva, S., E. Doychev. Ontology Supported Frame Classification (Класификация на фреймове, основана на онтология). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022), 2022, ISSN:2367-5675, 214-223. Индексира се в Scopus. (pdf)
Leseva, S., I. Stoyanova. Linked resources towards enhancing the conceptual description of general lexis verbs using syntactic information. – In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022), Institute for Bulgarian Language, 2022, pp. 214–223, ISSN: 2367-5675. (pdf) (Scopus)
Leseva, Sv., Stoyanova, Iv. Linked Resources towards Enhancing the Conceptual Description of General Lexis Verbs Using Syntactic Information (Лексикални ресурси, насочени към обогатяването на концептуалното описание на основна глаголна лексика със семантична и синтактична информация). Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2022), 2022, ISSN:2367-5675, 214-223. Индексира се в Scopus. (pdf)
Димитрова-Вълчанова, М., В. Вълчанов. Аргументи за добро и за лошо: фактори, влияещи на процеса на активното разбиране на свободни глаголни словосъчетания и глаголни идиоми с еднаква опора. Български език, Приложение (Доклади от Осмия форум „Българска граматика“), 69 (2022), 23-41. (pdf)
Коева, Св., Дойчев, Е. Булфрейм – система за създаване и редактиране на концептуални фреймове. Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2022 година). Светла Коева, Максим Стаменов (съставители), ISSN 2683-118X (print), ISSN 2683-1198 (online), 544-553. (pdf)
Тодорова, М., Цв. Димитрова, В. Стефанова. Изследване на основния понятиен апарат и речников запас на глаголи при ученици в начален етап на обучение. сп. „Педагогика“, 94, 7, 2022, ISSN:1314–8540 (Online); ISSN 0861–3982 (Print), DOI:10.53656/ped2022-7.06, 896-913. (pdf)
Коева, Св. Към типологичен анализ на комплементността в български. Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“ (София, 2021). Светла Коева, Максим Стаменов (съставители), т. 2, Т. 2, София: Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2021, ISSN:2683-118Х (print); ISSN 2683-1198 (online), 13-27. (pdf)
Лесева, Св., Стоянова, Ив. Семантично описание на глаголи за промяна и йерархична организация на концептуалните фреймове. Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“. Светла Коева, Максим Стаменов (съставители), Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2021, ISSN:2683-118Х, DOI:10.7546/ConfIBL2021.II.31, 76-85. (pdf)
Presentations at conferences
Svetla Koeva: Towards detailed semantic classes of nouns, Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024), presented on 16.05.2024 within the specialised panel Computational and Corpus Linguistics.
Valentina Stefanova: Глаголи, свързани с част от тялото – семантични фреймове и селективни ограничения, Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024), presented on 16.05.2024 within the specialised panel Computational and Corpus Linguistics.
Svetlozara Leseva and Ivelina Stoyanova: Корпусни данни за анализ на синтактичната реализация на семантичните фреймове, Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024).
Poster presented by Ivelina Stoyanova: English-Bulgarian comparable corpus annotated with FrameNet valence patterns, UniDive 2nd General Meeting, University of Naples L’Orientale, 8 – 9 February 2024, Naples, Italy. Poster
Tsvetana Dimitrova: Verbs of transfer of possession in FrameNet, Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024), presented on 16.05.2024 within the specialised panel Computational and Corpus Linguistics.
Hristina Kukova: Глаголи за емоция и някои фреймови реализации (върху материал от българския език), Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024), presented on 16.05.2024 within the specialised panel Computational and Corpus Linguistics.
Maria Todorova: Селективни особености на глаголи за контакт, Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (Sofia, 2024), presented on 16.05.2024 within the specialised panel Computational and Corpus Linguistics.
Svetla Koeva and Dimitar Hristov: Resolving multiple hyperonymy, 12th Global Wordnet Conference, GWC 2023, Donostia, Spain, January 23 – 27, 2023. Presented on 27.01.2023. Презентация
Svetla Koeva: Семантични и концептуални фреймове: универсални свойства и специфични черти, International Conference on Universality and Diversity between Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Sofia, 2023. Abstract
Plenary talk by Svetla Koeva: Принципи на синтактичното и семантичното описание на българските глаголи в Булфрейм, International Conference on Bulgarian Linguistic Studies, presented on 23.11.2023.
Ivelina Stoyanova и Svetlozara Leseva: Expanding the conceptual description of verbs in WordNet with semantic and syntactic information, 12th Global Wordnet Conference, GWC 2023, Donostia, Spain, January 23 – 27, 2023. Presented on 26.01.2023. Presentation
Poster, presented by Svetlozara Leseva и Ivelina Stoyanova: Conceptual description of verbs and their semantic and syntactic features, UniDive 1st General Meeting, Paris-Saclay University, 16 – 17 March 2023. Poster
Hristina Kukova: A verb sense and its frame semantics representation, International Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLaP 23 conference), 31 August – 2 September 2023, San Sebastian, Spain.
Valentina Stefanova, Maria Todorova, Tsvetana Dimitrova: Анализ на резултатите от изследване на глаголната семантика при децаInternational Conference on Universality and Diversity between Languages, Literatures and Cultures, Sofia University, 2023. Presented on 09.05.2023.
Maria Todorova, Tsvetana Dimitrova, Valentina Stefanova: Изследване на основна глаголна лексика в български при ученици чрез езикови игри, International Conference on Languages, Cultures, Communication, Veliko Tarnovo University, 2023. Presented on 08.06.2023.
Maria Todorova: Semantic annotation of common lexis verbs of contact in Bulgarian, 19th Joint ACL – ISO Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-19) at IWCS 2023, Nancy, France. Presented on 20.06.2023.
Maria Todorova: Semantic specifics of Bulgarian verbal computer terms, Workshop on Computational Terminology in NLP and Translation Studies (ConTeNTS) at RANLP 2024, September 2023, Varna, Bulgaria. Presented on 07.09.2023.
Svetla Koeva: Частите на речта като части на изречението, или дали винаги глаголите заемат отделна синтактична позиция, presented on 20.10.2022 г. at the 9th Bulgarian Grammar Forum.
Svetla Koeva: Towards a typological analysis of complements in Bulgarian, a talk at the International Annual Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”, 15.05.2021.
Svetlozara Leseva and Ivelina Stoyanova: Semantic description of verbs for change and hierarchical organization of conceptual frames, a talk at the International Annual Conference of the Institute of the Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”, 15.05.2021.
Svetla Koeva and Emil Doichev: Bullframe – a system for creating and editing conceptual frames, a talk at the International Annual Conference of the Institute of the Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”, 15.05.2022.
Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova and Valentin Vulchanov: Arguments for good and bad: factors influencing the process of active comprehension of free verb phrases and verb idioms with equal support, a talk at the Eighth Forum “Bulgarian Grammar”, organized by the Institute of the Bulgarian Language “Prof. Lyubomir Andreychin”, October 21 and 22, 2021.
Svetlozara Leseva and Ivelina Stoyanova: Linked Resources towards Enhancing the Conceptual Description of General Lexis Verbs Using Syntactic Information, a talk at the Fifth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB’2022), September 2022.
Svetla Koeva and Emil Doichev: Ontology Supported Frame Classification, a talk at the Fifth International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB’2022), September 2022.
Seminars and lectures
International seminar of Svetla Koeva, 4.10.2022, online
Seminar on 27.10.2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language
Seminar on 28.10.2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language
Seminar on 29.10.2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language
Seminar on 22 – 25 May 2023, Institute for Bulgarian Language
Public lecture of Siniša Runjaić, 25.05.2023
Public lecture of assoc. prof. Iliyana Krapova, 4.06.2024
Public lecture of prof. Guglielmo Cinque, 6.06.2024
International seminar of Svetla Koeva, 4.10.2022, online
Seminar by Svetla Koeva on Bulgarian FrameNet: Current State and Future Prospects presented on 4.10.2022 within the Global FrameNet Tuesdays Series, organised since 2020 as a continuation of the International FrameNet Workshop.
The lecture focuses on: a) the identification of Bulgarian verbs that are associated with a certain semantic frame in Framenet; b) the language-specific data used for the description of Bulgarian verbs (grammatical categories and grammatical roles); c) types of relations between semantic frames from FrameNet and Bulgarian verbs: equivalence (exists when lexical units in both languages are translation equivalents and the semantic frame accurately represents the semantics of the Bulgarian verb); transfer (applied when the lexical unit is included only in the Bulgarian FrameNet, and the semantic frame is set based on an inheritance relationship); modification (when adaptation of the semantic frame is necessary to match the Bulgarian data) and creation of new semantic frames; and d) connecting the main frame elements with the semantic classes of the nouns or a combination of classes ensuring the expression of syntagmatic relations between the verb and the nouns. The BulFrame system is also presented – a web-based system designed for creating, editing, validating and reviewing semantic frames. Data from the Bulgarian FrameNet will be used in future research for semantic role annotation tasks.
Seminar on 27.10.2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language
11 am – 1 pm: Seminar on Work package 2. A formal description of the semantic structure of verb synsets belonging to the basic vocabulary, participants: Prof. Svetla Koeva, Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova (head of the work package), Prof. Valentin Vulchanov, Assist. Prof. Svetlozara Leseva, Assist. Prof. Maria Todorova, Assist. Prof. Valentina Stefanova, Assist. Prof. Ivelina Stoyanova, Assist. Prof. Tsvetana Dimitrova, Assist. Prof. Hristina Kukova. At the seminar the following activities were performed: review and evaluation of the results of the implementation of Selection of verb synsets that form a part of the basic vocabulary: from Month 1 to Month 6. Discussion of the current work on Task 2.2. Definition of the conceptual frames sufficient for the description of the selected verb synsets: from Month 7 to Month 18.
3 – 5 pm: Discussion of the experiments to determine the basic vocabulary of verbs in different age groups and their conceptual frames: thematic areas; criteria for selecting the elements in the experiments; degree of complexity; effect of order of language tasks.
Participants: Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova, Prof. Valentin Vulchanov, Assist. Prof. Maria Todorova, Assist. Prof. Valentina Stefanova, Assist. Prof. Tsvetana Dimitrova, Assist. Prof. Hristina Kukova.
Seminar on 27.10.2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language
10 – 11 am: Lecture by Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim): Aspect in the mind of the speaker, at the Autumn Linguistic Seminar of the Institute for Bulgarian Language
2 – 4 pm: Discussion of a joint publication reflecting the results so far. Participants: Prof. Svetla Koeva, Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova, Prof. Valentin Vulchanov, Assist. Prof. Svetlozara Leseva, Assist. Prof. Maria Todorova, Assist. Prof. Ivelina Stoyanova
Seminar on 29.10.2021, Institute for Bulgarian Language
10 am – 12 pm: Discussion on the main goals and activities within Task 2.3. Definition of an ontology of the semantic classes of noun synsets in WordNet: from Month 13 to Month 18. As a result of the analysis in Task 2.2., the semantic classes selected for the conceptual frames of the verb synsets will be determined. Participants: Prof. Svetla Koeva, Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova, Prof. Valentin Vulchanov, Prof. Tinko Tinchev, Assist. Prof. Svetlozara Leseva, Assist. Prof. Maria Todorova, Assist. Prof. Valentina Stefanova, Assist. Prof. Ivelina Stoyanova, Assist. Prof. Tsvetana Dimitrova.
2 – 4 pm: Discussion of Prof. Mila Dimitrova-Vulchanova and Prof. Valentin Vulchanov with all participants: a summary of the results achieved so far, an overview of the tasks that remain to be completed by the end of the first stage, identifying specific subtasks and the conditions for their implementation.
Seminar on 22 – 25 May 2023, Institute for Bulgarian Language
From 22nd until 25th May 2023, a series of lectures have been presented during the visit of Siniša Runjaić from the Institute for Croatian Language at the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
On 22.05.2023, Maria Todorova presented the topic “Semantic relations”, which covers the semantic relations between words in the language, how they are presented in the lexical-semantic networks, and in particular in BulNet, as well as the different semantic relations between the entities. Emphasis was placed on conceptual structure as part of the way in which knowledge and understanding of the world is organised and constructed. Dr. Todorova presented the logical properties and the different types of semantic relations. Presentation
On 22.05.2023, two lectures were given by Svetlozara Leseva and Ivelina Stoyanova, who presented the topic “Aligning Wordnet and Framenet (existing mappings of the resources)”. The lectures presented frame semantics, describing the meaning of words or grouping meaning into specific frames that serve to connect a group of words with a set of meanings. The FrameNet system was presented, as well as semantic frames, the relations between them and the possible frame elements in a given frame, as well as the differences between the frame elements and semantic roles. The emphasis was placed on the methods and principles of enriching WordNet with semantic frames and their frame elements. Presentation
Tsvetana Dimitrova and Valentina Stefanova presented the topic “Semantic classes” and introduced the semantic classifications for nouns, adjectives and verbs used in WordNet, Corpus Pattern Analysis (CPA), Dictionary of English Verb Patterns (PDEV). Emphasis was placed on enriching WordNet with semantic classes and semantic information from both models that is mapped to noun and verb synsets. Presentation
On 25.05.2023, Maria Todorova and Hristina Kukova presented the topic “Verb argument structure and semantic relations: application to non-English language material” discussing the structure of verb classes which describe a set of verbs that have similar semantic properties, for example belonging to a common semantic domain or similar implementation of arguments and semantic interpretation. The lecture focused on the applicability of semantic knowledge about English verbs to verbs from a language other than English – to what extent the information is applicable and what changes are required due to the specificity of the target language. Presentation
Public lecture of Siniša Runjaić, 25.05.2023
On 25.05.2023, within the Spring Linguistic Seminar of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, Siniša Runjaić presented a public lecture titled From an enormous Excel sheet with 24000 Croatian verbs to the newest idea about creating a comprehensive resource with max. 1000 Croatian verbs with semantic roles attached. Резюме |
Public lecture of assoc. prof. Iliyana Krapova, 4.06.2024
На 4.06.2024, within the Spring Linguistic Seminar of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, assoc. prof. Iliyana Krapova presented a public lecture titled Финитност и фактивност в българския език в съпоставителен план. Резюме |
Public lecture of prof. Guglielmo Cinque, 6.06.2024
На 6.06.2024, within the Spring Linguistic Seminar of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, prof. Guglielmo Cinque presented a lecture on The hidden rules of cross-linguistic word order variation. Резюме |
Presenting the project at the Sofia Science Festival 2023
From 11 until 14 May 2023 researchers taking part in the projject presented results at the audience at the Sofia Science Festival at Sofia Tech Park.
Presentation of Svetla Koeva and Emil Doychev
Svetla Koeva and Emil Doychev presented BulFrame Булфрейм – система за създаване и редактиране на концептуални фреймове, изнесен на Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“, провела се на 15.05.2022 г
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Presentation by Mila Valchanova and Valentin Valchanov
A conference presentation by Mila Valchanova and Valentin Valchanov on the topic Arguments for good and bad: factors affecting the process of active comprehension of free verb phrases and verb idioms with the same head, took place at the the Eighth Bulgarian Grammar Forum organized by the Institute of Bulgarian Language and held on 21st and 22nd October 2021.
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Presentation by Svetla koeva
Svetla Koeva presented the paper Towards a typological analysis of complementarity in Bulgarian at the Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language on 15.05.2021.
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Presentation by Svetlozara Leseva and Ivelina Stoyanova
Svetlozara Leseva and Ivelina Stoyanova presented Semantic description of verbs for change and hierarchical organization of conceptual frames at the Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language 15.05.2021.
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