Infrastructure for Fine-tuning Pre-trained Large Language Models

The Institute for Bulgarian Language signed Grant Agreement No. ПВУ – 55 from 12.12.2024 /BG-RRP-2.017-0030-C01/ as part of Procedure BG-RRP-2.017: Funding of research projects in the field of green and digital technologies of the Recovery and Resilience Facility, implementing Investment C2I2 Increasing the Innovation Capacity of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) in the fields of Green and Digital Technologies as part of the Recovery and Resilience Plan.

Start date: 12.12.2024

End date: 30.05.2026

Duration: 17.5 months

Summary of the project:

The project aims to develop a freely accessible infrastructure for the selection and pre-processing of large datasets for Bulgarian as well as tailored data for specific industries and fine-tuning suitable freely available large language models for specific purposes.

Webpage of the project: https://ifGPT.dcl.bas.bg/

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