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Department of Computational Linguistics Phone: +359 2 / 979 2961 Email: hristina@dcl.bas.bg Address: |
Research interests
- Lexical-semantic networks
- Argument structure
- Syntax-semantic interface
- Frames
- Selectional restrictions
Education and professional experience
2022 – ongoing: Senior assistant professor, Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
2022 – Ph.D. in Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language
2014 – 2022: philologist, Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language
2012 – 2014: assistant professor, Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language
2009 – 2012: researcher, Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language
2002 – 2003: Masters program “Computational Linguistics. Internet Technologies in Humanities”, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University
1998 – 2002: Bulgarian philology, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University
1997 – 2001: Russian philology, Faculty of Slavic Studies, Sofia University
2012-2013 – specialization in Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria
August 2012 – European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI 2012), Opole University, Poland
9th August 2010 – 20th August 2010 – European Summer School in Logic, Language, and Information (ESSLLI 2010) Copenhagen University, Denmark;
July – August, 2000 – Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow, Russia;
Research projects
BulNet – Lexical-semantic Network of Bulgarian Language (2005 – 2010), Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, budget-financed project, participant
Mathematical Logic and Computational Linguistics: Development and Mutual Permeation (2009 – 2011), financed by Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013 of the European Social Fund and Republic of Bulgaria, program “Support for Doctoral, Postdoctoral and Specializing Researchers and Young Scholars” (G051PO001-3.3.04/27), participant
Bulgarian National Corpus (2010 – 2013), Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, budget-financed project, participant
CESAR: Central and South-east European Resources (2011 – 2013), international project, financed by the European Commission CIP-ICT-PSP (CIP-ICT-PSP.2010.6.1), participant
Electronic Language Resources and Programs for Their Processing (BulNet and FrameNet) (2011 – 2013), Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, budget-financed project, participant
Integrating New Practices and Knowledge in the Computational Linguistics Teaching (2012 – 2014), financed by Operational Program “Human Resources Development” 2007-2013 of the European Social Fund and Republic of Bulgaria, program “Support for Doctoral, Postdoctoral and Specializing Researchers and Young Scholars”, (BG051PO001-3.3.06-0022-C0001), participant, coordinator
Glottodrama (2012-2014), international project of the Linguistic Research Laboratory “Edizioni Novacultur” for foreign-language teaching involving theatrical practices, Lifelong Learning Program of EU, participant
Electronic Language Resources and Programs for Their Processing (BulNet and FrameNet), Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, budget-financed project, participant
Semantic Network with a Wide Range of Semantic Relations; 2017 – 2020; Financed by the Fundamental Research Program of the Scientific Research Fund (Н10/39); participant
Semantic Resources and Language Processing Tools (BulNet and FrameNet); 2017 – 2020; Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, budget-financed project, participant
Multilingual Image Corpus (MIC 21); financed on the European Language Grid project by Horizon 2020 program for research and innovations No. 825627 (ELG), 2021, participant
The Ontology of the Stative Situations in the Models of Language: a Contrastive Analysis of Bulgarian and Russian Languages, financed by the Scientific Research Fund; participant
Enriching the Semantic Network Wordnet with Conceptual Frames, financed by the Scientific Research Fund; participant
The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly! – a project and educational initiative of the Institute for Bulgarian Language (2018 – up to now), participant
Participation in Organising and Programme Committees
5th edition of “Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages”, Sofia, Bulgaria (FASSBL 5), , 18 – 20 October 2006, member of the local organizing committee
51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria ка (ACL 2013), 4 – 9 August 2013, member of the local organizing committee
International Conference SemRel 2012 – LREC Istanbul, Turkey, member of the program committee
International Conference “Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria CLIB 2014”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2014, member of the organizing committee
International Conference “Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria CLIB 2016”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2016, member of the organizing committee
International Conference “Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria CLIB 2018”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2018, member of the organizing committee
International Conference “Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria CLIB 2020”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020, member of the organizing committee
Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2020, member of the organizing committee
International Conference “Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria CLIB 2022”, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2022, member of the organizing committee
Annual International Conference of the Institute for Bulgarian Language, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2022, member of the organizing committee, editor
Participation in educational programs
2018 – ongoing: The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly! – an educational initiative of the Institute for Bulgarian Language
Chapters in edited volumes
Овсянникова, М., Х. Кукова. Предикаты восприятия в болгарском и русском языках и их сентенциальные актанты. Онтология на ситуациите за състояние – лингвистично моделиране. Съпоставително изследване за български и руски, Издателство на БАН „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2022, ISBN:978-619-245-256-8, DOI:10.7546/STONTBgRu2022.16, 26, 458-484.
Лесева, Св., Хр. Кукова, Ив. Стоянова. Предикатите за състояние в съвременните лингвистични теории (I). Български език, 68, 3, 2021, ISSN:0005-4283, DOI:10.47810/BL., 120-134.
Лесева, Св., Хр. Кукова, Ив. Стоянова. Предикатите за състояние в съвременните лингвистични теории (II). Български език, 68, 4, 2021, ISSN:0005-4283, DOI:10.47810/BL., 135-152.
Leseva, S., I. Stoyanova, M. Todorova, H. Kukova. Putting Pieces Together: Predicate-Argument Relations and Selectional Preferences. Koeva, S. (complier) Towards a Semantic Network Enriched with a Variety of Semantic Relations. Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia, 2020. ISBN 987-619-245-057-1. DOI: 10.7546/TSN.2020, 49-87.
Тодорова М., Х. Кукова, С. Лесева. Семантично анотирани ресурси за български език – БулСемКор. – В: Езикови ресурси и технологии за български език. София: Академично издателство „Проф. Марин Дринов“, 2014, с. 80 – 104. ISBN: 978-954-322-797-6.
Кукова Х. Лингвистични конвенции при анотация на прилагателните, – В “Българският семантично анотиран корпус”, София, 2010, с. 108 – 119, ISBN 978-954-779-124-4.
Кукова Х. Лингвистични конвенции при анотация на наречията, – В “Българският семантично анотиран корпус”, София, 2010, с. 119 – 126, ISBN 978-954-779-124-4.
Articles in journals and conference proceedings
Кукова, Х., М. Овсянникова. Съпоставителен анализ на глаголите виждам – видя и видеть – увидеть и комплементите им в български и руски език. В: Доклади от Международната годишна конференция на Института за български език „Проф. Любомир Андрейчин“. София 2022, 248–256.
Овсянникова, М., Х. Кукова. Сентенциальные аргументы при предикатах зрительного и слухового восприятия в болгарском и русском языках. В: Сборник тезисов конференции „Грамматические процессы и системы в синхронии и диахронии“, Институт русского языка им. В.В. Виноградова. Москва 2022, 60-62.
Овсянникова, М., Х. Кукова. Оформление подчиненных предложений при болгарских глаголах виждам – видя и их русских эквивалентах. В: Тезисы 50-й Международной научной филологической конференции имени Людмилы Алексеевны Вербицкой. Санкт Петербург 2022, 575-576.
Leseva, S., H. Kukova, I. Stoyanova. Towards a Classification of Stative Verbs in view of Corpus Data. Jazykovedný časopis, 72, 2, 2021, ISSN:0021-5597, DOI:10.2478/jazcas-2021-0035, 383-393.
Кукова, Х., С. Лесева, И. Стоянова. Концептуальная рамка исследования предикатов класса состояния в русском и болгарском языках. Славянский мир: общность и многообразие, Москва: Институт славяноведения РАН, 2021, ISSN:2619-0869, DOI:10.31168/2619-0869.2021.2.05, 211-216.
Кукова, Х. Глаголи за комуникация, фреймови елементи и семантични ограничения (върху синонимни множества от Булнет). Сборник доклади от Международната конференция на Института за български език – БАН (София, 2020), ISSN 2683-118X (print) ISSN 2683-1198 (online), т. 2, 233-241.
Leseva, S., I. Stoyanova, M. Todorova, H. Kukova. A Semantic Description of the Combinability between Verbs and Nouns (on Material from Bulgarian and English). Чуждоезиково обучение 47 (2), 2020, 115-128.
Leseva, S., I. Stoyanova, M. Todorova, H. Kukova. A Theoretical Overview of Conceptual Frames and Semantic Restrictions on Frame Elements. Балканско езикознание/Linguistique Balkanique, LVIII, 2, 2019, ISSN:0324-1653, 172-186.
Leseva, S., Stoyanova, I., Todorova, M., Kukova, H.. Frame Specialisation Motivated by Inter-Frame Relations in FrameNet. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Linguistic Resources and Tools for Natural Language Processing, Cluj-Napoca, 18-20 November 2019, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași, 2019, ISSN:1843-911X, 167-178.
Кукова, Х. Семантика и синтактична функционалност при някои глаголи за перцепция. Рада и приятели. Сборник в чест на 65-годишнината на проф. д-р Радка Влахова, София: Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2019, ISBN:978-954-07-4700-2, 202-211.
Лесева, Св., Ив. Стоянова, Хр. Кукова, М. Тодорова. Интегриране на субкатегоризационна информация в релационната структура на УърдНет. Български език, 65, 2, 2018, ISSN:0005-4283, 11-40.
Koeva, Svetla, Borislav Rizov, Ekaterina Tarpomanova, Tsvetana Dimitrova, Rositsa Dekova, Ivelina Stoyanova, Svetlozara Leseva, Hristina Kukova, and Angel Genov. Application of Clause Alignment for Statistical Machine Translation. – В: Proceedings of SSST-6, Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, Jeju, Republic of Korea, 12 July 2012, Jeju, Republic of Korea: The Association for Computational Linguistics: Stroudsburg, PA, USA, 2012, с. 102-110. ISBN: 978-1-937284-38-1. (pdf)
Koeva, Svetla, Borislav Rizov, Ekaterina Tarpomanova, Tsvetana Dimitrova, Rositsa Dekova, Ivelina Stoyanova, Svetlozara Leseva, Hristina Kukova, and Angel Genov. Bulgarian-English Sentence- and Clause-Aligned Corpus.. – В: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Annotation of Corpora for Research in the Humanities (ACRH-2), Lisbon, 29 November 2012, Лисабон: Colibri: Lisboa, 2012, с. 51-62. ISBN: ISBN 978-989-689-273-9. (pdf)
Koeva, S., S. Leseva, B. Rizov, E. Tarpomanova, T. Dimitrova, H. Kukova, M. Todorova. Design and Development of the Bulgarian Sense-Annotated Corpus. In Proceedings of the Third International Corpus Linguistics Conference (CILC), 7-9 April 2011, Valencia, Spain.
Koeva S., Leseva S., Tarpomanova E., Rizov B., Dimitrova T., Kukova H. Bulgarian Sense-Annotated Corpus — Results and Achievements, сборник статии от Седмата международна конференция „Формални подходи към южнославянските и балканските езици“, с. 41-49.
Кукова, Х. Семантични особености на глаголите за перцепция – сп. Български език 57 (2010), 1, ISSN 0005-4283, стр. 88-96.
Кукова, Х. Подходи за автоматично отстраняване на семантична многозначност – сп. “Български език” 2006, кн. 2, стр. 75 – 84.
Кукова, Х., М. Тодорова, Е. Търпоманова. Структурна и семантична обусловеност на глаголите в SYNTEXT” – Балканска конференция на младите учени, Пловдив, 2005 г.
Лесева С., А. Копринарова, Х. Кукова. Семантични ограничения при глаголи, субкатегоризиращи малки изречения”(съавтор) – научни трудове от Юбилейни Паисиеви четения – международен славистичен симпозиум, Пловдив, 2003 г., стр. 97-106.
Кукова, Х. Съставните топоними в българския език – сборник доклади от конференцията “Как с думи се правят светове”, СУ, София, 2003 г., стр. 518-526.
Кукова, Х. Некоторые особенности фразеологических единиц с названием животного в русском и болгарском языках – сборник доклади от Осмия международен симпозиум МАПРЯЛ, Велико Търново, 2002 г., стр. 110-114.