New semantic relations based on predicate-argument structure

Results from Stage 2

The results are related to the newly defined semantic relations based on conceptual frames, as well as their representation in WordNet by connecting verb synsets and classes of nouns that satisfy the selectional requirements of frame elements.

A. Synsets with assigned frames from FrameNet (5 025 are manually verified and labelled by 0++):
Verbs with assigned frames

B. Hierarchical classification of relations based on conceptual frames, with the relevant selectional restrictions:
Hierarchy of relations

C. Classification and definitions of selectional restrictions:
Selectional restrictions

D. Synsets with assigned conceptual frames, relevant relation and the corresponding nouns with respect to selectional restrictions:
Synsets with frames, frame elements and restrictions

E. Recommended structural updates on resources:



Newly defined frames in FrameNet

Connecting frames with existing relations

Defining subtypes of frame elements based on the frames they appear in

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