Prof. Dr. Georg Rehm works as a Principal Researcher in the Speech and Language Technology Lab at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), in Berlin.

Currently, Georg Rehm is the Coordinator of QURATOR (BMBF, 2018-2022) and European Language Grid (ELG; EU, 2019-2022). Furthermore, he is the Co-coordinator of European Language Equality (ELE; EU, 2021-2022) and involved, as a principal investigator, in the following projects: SoNAR (DFG, 2019-2021), PANQURA (BMBF, 2021-2022), HumanE-AI-Net (EU, 2020-2023), SPEAKER (BMWi, 2020-2023), OpenGPT-X (BMWi, 2021-2024) and NFDI4DS (DFG, 2021-2026).

In April 2021, Georg Rehm was appointed honorary professor for outstanding achievements in research and education at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin where he is affiliated with the Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik. In October 2018, Georg Rehm was awarded the honorary appointment as a DFKI Research Fellow for outstanding scientific achievements and special accomplishments in technology transfer.

In the past, Georg Rehm was a Principal Investigator in the EU-funded project Lynx: Building the Legal Knowledge Graph for Smart Compliance Services in Multilingual Europe (2017-2021), Coordinator of the BMBF-funded project Digitale Kuratierungstechnologien and Coordinator of the EU-funded project CRACKER (2015-2017). From 2010 to 2013 he was the project manager of T4ME, the original META-NET project.

Since 2013, Georg Rehm has been the Head of the German/Austrian Chapter of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), hosted at DFKI in Berlin. Also related to ICT and standardisation, Georg Rehm is a member of the DIN Presidential Committee FOCUS.ICT.

Georg Rehm is the General Secretary of META-NET, an EU-funded Network of Excellence consisting of 60 research centers from 34 countries, dedicated to building the technological foundations of a multilingual European information society.

In the 2021/2022 term, Georg Rehm serves as the Secretary of the EACL (European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics).

Georg Rehm holds an M.A. in Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics and Computer Science from the University of Osnabrück. After completing his PhD in Computational Linguistics at the University of Gießen, he worked at the University of Tübingen, leading projects on the sustainability of language resources and technologies. After being responsible for the language technology development at an award-winning internet startup in Berlin, he joined DFKI in early 2010.

Georg Rehm has authored, co-authored or edited more than 200 research publications and co-edited, together with Hans Uszkoreit, the META-NET White Paper Series Europe’s Languages in the Digital Age as well as the META-NET Strategic Research Agenda for Multilingual 2020.

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