PARSEME shared task: Phase 1
Phase 1: First pilot annotation with feedback on guidelines, adding language-specific features Last edited: 14/03/2016 Currently working on: ➥ PHASE 2 Guidelines Principles of classification and annotation The classification we propose uses the initial categories (LVC, VPV, SENT, ID, OTH) representing also some idiomaticity features: The subclasses of ID (ID1, ID2, ID3 and ID4) reflect the degree of decomposability represented by…

Wordnet Morpho-Semantic Relations: log changes
Changelog of the cross-check of noun semantic primes and morphosemantic relations ➤ Changes in semantic primes Type of change Number of instances More specific prime assigned (noun.Tops >> other) 29 Bulgarian specific entry with prime 1709 Prime aligned to hypernym’s prime 66 Reason not specified 7 ➤ Changes in relations Type of change Number of instances Relation changed 290 Relation…