(Български) РЕГИСТРАЦИЯ: Награждаване на победителите от Петото състезание по компютърна лингвистика и публична лекция

Conceptual Description of Verb Synsets in WordNet
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Katrin Marheinecke
Katrin Marheinecke is part of the Coordinating team in the European Language Grid project (ELG). She holds an MA in Linguistics and American and Russian Studies. She has extensive experience in the language and translation industry, where she held the roles of Linguist, Quality Manager and Business Process Officer. Currently, she works at the Speech and Language Technology group at…

Yolina Petrova
Yolina combines the hearth of Cultural studies and the brains of Cognitive science. Currently, she works at Identrics as a Data Scientist and teaches Statistics and several cognitive courses at New Bulgarian University. Her interests focus on means of improving our understanding of the trust dynamics between humans and artificially intelligent systems, whether it should be facilitated (if yes, how)…

Ivelina Stoyanova
Ivelina Stoyanova has graduated in 2001 from the Bulgarian Philology Programme and in 2002 from the master’s programme in computational linguistics at Sofia University. Further, she has studied Computer Science and Mathematics at the University of Bath, United Kingdom, where she graduated in 2010. In 2021 she defended her PhD dissertation at the Department of Computational Linguistics, Institute for Bulgarian…

Yordan Kralev
Yordan Kralev has graduated from the Automation, Information and Control Engineering Programme at the Technical University in Sofia in 2012, and then in 2016 he has defended his PhD dissertation in Theory of Automatic Control titled Implementation of Complex Control Laws Using Programmable Logic Platforms. Currently, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Systems and Control at the…

Luchezar Jackov
Luchezar Jackov is the chief technology officer of SkyCode Ltd. He has experience in the design and implementation of complex information systems, cryptography, language technologies and neural networks. He is the main contributor in the language oriented applications of the company for machine translation and text-to speech processing.

Penny Labropoulou
Penny Labropoulou is a Principal Applications Researcher at the Institute for Language and Speech Processing/R.C. “Athena”, working mainly in the areas of: metadata models for the documentation of language resources and technologies and cultural resources infrastructures for sharing and exploiting language resources and language technologies, licensing issues and legal metadata for language resources, computational lexicography and lexicology (design and implementation…