
Three basic approaches have been applied in the compilation of both the kernel and the parallel satellites:

1. Using readily available text collections. The kernel of the Bulgarian National Corpus was first compiled on the basis of the Bulgarian Lexicographic Archive and the Text Archive of Written Bulgarian, which together account for 55.95% of the corpus. Later, two domain-specific corpora from the OPUS collection were included, namely the EMEA corpus (medical administrative texts) and the OpenSubtitles corpus (film subtitles) representing respectively 1.27% and 8.61% of the kernel of the BulNC. A large amount of news data in the Bulgarian Lexicographic Archive and the Text Archive of Written Bulgarian were provided by the publishers of various Bulgarian newspapers.


The corpora were either obtained in plain text format or converted to it. Metadata were extracted automatically wherever possible, documented and verified manually in some cases. Full annotation was performed from scratch, even for already annotated texts (OPUS texts are tokenised and sentence-aligned) to ensure conformity with the adopted principles and annotation standards.


2. Manual compilation by browsing the Internet. While being the primary approach in the past, manual collection has now been applied in a limited number of cases for small numbers of large documents whenever the development of a focused crawler has been deemed inefficient. Most of the previously developed corpora within the kernel of the BulNC were compiled manually, such as the Bulgarian “Brown” corpus. Recently, manual compilation was also used for collecting parallel fiction texts in multiple languages, accounting for 3.70% of the kernel corpus.


3. Automatic compilation by web crawling is in general preferred. Some well-known and widely used approaches for automatic collection of corpora are adopted, tailored further to our specific needs and optimised with respect to the efficiency and precision of the output. Currently, automatically obtained subcorpora within the BulNC include a large amount of administrative texts, news from monolingual and multilingual sources, scientific texts and popular science (e.g., Wikipedia articles), altogether amounting to 30.47% of the Bulgarian kernel of BulNC.


Manual and automatic web mining prior to the crawling process ensures crawling efficiency, as well as high-quality results when it comes to the validity of collected documents and the correspondence between parallel texts. As parallel resources involving Bulgarian are limited on the web, crawling was supported by direct targeting, automatic or manual, of the appropriate resources. The structure of source webpages is also considered when crawling, by applying either links traversal algorithms or URL templates as appropriate for each source.


Several crawling algorithms were examined and the main technique chosen to be applied in the general crawler was the Breadth-First algorithm. First, a generalised crawler with the main functionalities was developed. The crawler starts at the initial webpage of the respective collection of documents and either harvests the links recursively until the relevant pages containing the documents are reached, or uses URL templates to access the pages directly. In most cases, the websites containing parallel texts are very large and a general (non-focused) crawler needs to process a very large amount of links and documents in order to select the relevant ones. The general crawler is therefore transformed into a focused crawler by adapting it to the structure of the source site as derived by automatic or manual web mining.


The focused crawler either implements the link harvesting technique directly, or uses a particular set of URL templates specific for a given website. Next, the focused crawler ensures the relevance of the extracted documents by selecting only those texts that have Bulgarian equivalents. Some corpora are static and require a single run of the crawler, while others are dynamic (e.g., news websites) and need weekly or monthly crawls.


Procedures to verify the validity of the documents collected through automatic crawling are implemented: deletion of empty files obtained from either invalid or missing URLs, text size checks, and verification of encoding. Furthermore, genuine correspondence of parallel documents is checked by comparing URLs, file sizes, dates, etc. To conclude, focused crawling with preceding web structure mining (which considerably reduces the number of visited links) ensures high quality of the results and improves efficiency.