We are proud to announce our sponsors:

The National Science Fund with the Bulgarian Ministry of Education and Sciences has granted support to the Second International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2016) within the Operation for Support for International Scientific Conferences Held in Bulgaria Grant No ДПМНФ 01/9 of 11 Aug 2016.
We offer potential sponsors the opportunity to support CLIB 2016 through several sponsorship packages:
★ Bronze – BGN 500
- Hyperlink and logo (small size) on the conference website
- Acknowledgement in promotional and informational events
★ Silver – BGN 1000
- Hyperlink and logo (medium size) on the conference website
- Acknowledgement in all promotional and informational events
- Company name and logo (small size) on the promotional banner on the registration webpage
★ Golden – BGN 2000
- Hyperlink and logo (large size) on the conference website
- Acknowledgement in all promotional and informational events
- Company name and logo (medium size) on the promotional banner on the registration webpage
- Company name and logo (medium size) on the promotional banner prominently displayed at the conference venue throughout the duration of the conference
- Procurement of one stall for demonstrations of the sponsor’s software and hardware products
★ Platinum – BGN 3000
- Hyperlink and logo (extra large size) on the conference website
- Acknowledgement in all promotional and informational events
- Company name and logo (large size) on the promotional banner on the registration webpage
- Company name and logo (large size) on the promotional banner prominently displayed at the conference venue throughout the duration of the conference
- Procurement of one stall and a computer display for demonstrations of the sponsor’s software and hardware products
- Company name and logo (large size) in the conference programme and proceedings
For more information:
➥ Brochure in English
➥ Brochure in Bulgarian