There will be two categories of research papers: oral and poster presentations. All of the papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
The maximum submission length is 8 pages (A4) of content, plus two extra pages for references. Final versions should take into account reviewers’ comments.
Papers will be presented orally or as posters as determined by the Programme Committee. While decisions on the mode of presentation will be based on the reviewers’ recommendations, author(s)’ preferences may be taken into account, where appropriate. There will be no distinction in the proceedings between papers presented orally and as posters.
Papers shall be submitted in English. As reviewing will be blind, they should be anonymised with regard to the authors and/or their institutional affiliation and should not contain any other author-identifying information, including self-references revealing the author’s identity. Authors should also ensure that identifying meta-information is removed from all the files submitted for review.
Reviewing will be double blind. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two anonymous reviewers.
Papers must conform to the CLIB 2016 style guidelines. We provide templates in LaTeX, OpenOffice and MS Office Word:
➥ LaTeX template with style file and sample bibliography
➥ LibreOffice/OpenOffice template
➥ Microsoft Office Word template
The only accepted format for submitted papers is PDF.
Papers should describe original work. While they should emphasise completed or well-advanced ongoing research rather than intended work, submissions describing a small, focused contribution or work in progress showing promising results are also invited. Papers should indicate clearly the state of completion of the reported results, with concrete evaluation and analysis of results, where appropriate.
Submissions will be judged on correctness, originality, technical strength, significance, meaningful comparison, thoroughness, contributions to research resources, relevance to the conference, and interest to the attendees.
Submissions presented at the conference should contain new material that has not been presented at any other meeting with publicly available proceedings.
Submission and reviewing will be managed online by the EasyChair conference management system through the CLIB 2016 login page. Submissions must be uploaded on the EasyChair system by the submission deadlines. Submissions after that time will not be reviewed.
UPDATE! Posters should be no larger than 700 mm wide and 1000 mm high. The poster orientation is vertical. The conference will provide self-standing poster boards, pushpins, clips, double-sided tape, etc. for mounting.