For the first time in the history of the Conference, the CLIB Programme Committee conferred a Promising Young Researcher Award

The winner was selected according to a number of criteria:

  • The awarded author should be a young researcher (possibly working in collaboration with other authors).
  • The paper presented at the Conference deals with a topic related to artificial intelligence.
  • The research focuses on low-resource languages.
  • The author provides free access to resources and code.

The monetary award was provided by the LERAI Foundation.

The CLIB 2024 Promising Young Researcher Award was granted to Valentin Zmiycharov from the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics at the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski for his work on EurLexSummarization – A New Text Summarization Dataset on EU Legislation in 24 Languages with GPT Evaluation (in collaboration with Ivan Koychev, Todor Tsonkov).

The award was announced at the ceremony by Mr Alexandar Velinov, Chairman of the LERAI Foundation.