The Proceedings of the International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria are a free open-access biennial publication that features papers accepted to the Conference.

ISSN 2367-5578 (print)
ISSN 2367-5675 (online)

The works in the Proceedings are licenced under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0. International Licence (CC BY 4.0). By submitting a paper for publication in the Proceedings, authors confirm that they accept the terms and conditions of the Licence.
Creative Commons Licence

The Proceedings of the previous editions of the International Conference Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria (CLIB 2014, CLIB 2016, CLIB 2018, 2020, 2022) are available for download.

Proceedings of CLIB 2022

Proceedings of CLIB 2020

Proceedings of CLIB 2018

Proceedings of CLIB 2016

Proceedings of CLIB 2014

The Proceedings of CLIB 2020 and CLIB 2022 are included in the ACL Anthology.

The Proceedings of CLIB 2020 and CLIB 2022 are indexed in Scopus.

The Proceedings of CLIB 2016, CLIB 2018, CLIB 2020 and CLIB 2022 are indexed in ISI Web of Science.