I am a girl that is white a Dominican man and yesterday we went along to their neighbor hood to generally meet their moms and dads. I’ve blond locks and blue eyes and We clearly do not appear to be your avarage Latina. The DIRTIEST was got by me appears ever. One girl stated something in Spanish to my bf as soon as we had been approaching their house, offered him a hug and kiss. We stood there and smiled and she provided me with a glare that is strange we had been on our means. Their sis’s were extremely standoff and has now around three ones that are little around. They appear to have a taste around her. My bf’s dad ended up being extremely flirtatious with me to start with and called me stunning and their mother ended up being good towards me personally but she quickly called them over together with them. Most of the time, they talked in Spanish and I also felt separated. What makes Latin women so jealous? Btw, my bf is extremely handsome, and makes decent cash as he works for law enforcement division.
16 Responses
Some Latinos (coming from my experience & as you can plainly see by a number of the answers)are racist & Because Latinas are competitive particularly with girl which are pretty.I additionally dated a Latin guy & i will be white too & I happened to be constantly addressed really disrespectful by Latin females & their family members.I think it is simply lack of knowledge & also because many Latinas think these are typically prettier than everybody else that is exactly how they’ve been & they get upset if they have actually competition specially when it is not a Latina. Continue reading