The feeling to be a middle-class black colored lesbian:

The feeling to be a middle-class black colored lesbian:

Secao Tematica Nacoes ag ag ag e Memorias em Transe: Mocambique, Africa do Sul ag ag ag ag e Brasil

Making Spot, Making Home: Lesbian Queer World-Making in Cape Town

Construindo espacos de pertencimento: lesbicas queer na Cidade do Cabo

Making Spot, Making Home: Lesbian Queer World-Making in Cape Town

Revista Estudos Feministas, vol. 27, number 3, 2019

Centro de Filosofia e Ciencias Humanas e Centro de Comunicacao e Expressao da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Gotten: 30 2019 august

Accepted: 06 September 2019

Abstract: Two principal, contrasting, narratives characterise public discourse on queer sexualities in Cape Town. The city is touted as the gay capital of South Africa on the one hand. This, nonetheless, is troubled by way of a binary framing of white areas of security and black colored areas of risk (Melanie JUDGE, 2018), which simultaneously brings the ‘the black lesbian’ into view through the lens of discrimination, physical physical violence and death. This short article explores lesbian, queer and women’s that are gay of the everyday life in Cape Town. Their counter narratives reveal the way they ‘make’ Cape Town house in terms of racialized and heteronormativies that are classed. These grey the racialised binary of territorial security and risk, and produce modes of lesbian constructions of house, particularly the modes of embedded lesbianism, homonormativity and borderlands. Continue reading