A legendary horned lizard, which is now housed in a display case in the courthouse in Eastland, Texas above: The old resting place for Old Rip. Appropriate: Eastland County Judge Rex areas holds Old Rip in his velvet-lined casket. (Nathan Hunsinger/Staff Photographer)
The resting that is old for Old Rip, a renowned horned lizard, that will be now housed in a display case within the courthouse in Eastland, Texas. (Nathan Hunsinger/Staff Photographer)
These were when so populous, the lizards were backyard favorites over the state. Docile and slow, these people were very easy to get and created for fun summertime pets. Some Texans keep in mind maintaining the lizards in a shoebox underneath the bed. Others keep in mind holding pillowcases saturated in lizards to trade at Boy Scout jamborees. Continue reading