Co-located event
Photos from the Afternoon Lecture by Prof. Ruslan Mitkov & the Award Ceremony for the winners in the Competition in Computational Linguistics
27 May 2018, National Archeological Institute and Museum
The Organising Committee has the pleasure to announce that a competition in computational linguistics will be held in conjunction with CLIB 2018 on 27 May 2018. The Competition is targetted at teams of high-school students (grades 9 through 12) who will be confronted with typical computational linguistics problems. The teams will be required to propose at least one solution to the given puzzles. Although based on real-life tasks solved by computational linguists, the puzzles themselves are self-contained and do not require additional theoretical or practical knowledge or data besides those described in the problem.
The main goal of the Competition is to provide an opportunity for students to acquaint themselves with computational linguistics as an area of research and to spur a sustained interest in the field of natural language processing and language technologies.
Even though this is the first competition specifically dedicated to computational linguistics in Bulgaria, it is a successor of a long-standing tradition established as far back as 1983 by Prof. Ruslan Mitkov.
The competition will take place at 133th A. Pushkin School on 27th May, 9:00am – 12:00pm. You can find additional information and registration forms here or contact the organisers via email.The award ceremony for the winners in the Competition will be held on the afternoon of 27 May and is part of the official Conference programme.
The Competition is organised by the Department of Mathematics and Linguistics at the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians with the support of the Institute for Bulgarian Language through a grant awarded by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences for the Institute’s educational campaign The Written Word Remains. Write Correctly!, part of the project Introduction of Contemporary Methods in the Education of and Work with Young Talents (Grant Agreement No. ДСД-2/05.04.2017).